This site is dedicated to the memory of the victims of the 1958 Munich Air Disaster.

The majority of information on this site is taken without permission from the following books:

The Hamlyn's illustarted History of Manchester United
The Hamlyn's `Manchester United Player by Player' by Ivan Ponting.

All the pages were taken from various sources around the Internet and are among the best accounts of the tragedy.

This site lays no claim to any of the content presented within these pages.

The only purpose is to provide a dedicated site to the memory of the victims and their families. If you have any other information which would add to this memorial please email here and I will add them to this links page.


United Front

More Information about the team of 1958

Soccer Academy

Building Character on and off the field

Munich 58

Detailed site, dedicated to The Busby Babes


Pete Martin's tribute site, featuring songs and videos about the Busby Babes.

The Peoples Person

Sam Peoples blog on the Munich Air disaster and its impact on Manchester United and the city of Manchester.